Monday, February 25, 2008

Spring Merritt ENVMT Update Notes


FALL 08 DRAFT SCHEDULE TO GO IN MONDAY (ATTACHED) Send in corrections; especially on asterisks, red questions, omissions - some changes can be made after Monday for those who can't respond to this impossibly short turn around time.

Enrollment is up this semester!
Positions available for Restoration and Watershed Management, Urban Farming/AgroEcology, Green Building/Energy, Ranger Naturalist Adjunct faculty, 1/2 Time Lab Assistant, also for International Program Development (unfunded as of now)
Welcome new instructors: Paul Belz (Early Childhood Env. Education) , Bruce Gardiner (Solar Electric) , David Ralston (Urban Planning); Eric Folmer and Megan Hess are in process
Landscape Hort./Biology/ Child Development are now offering more environmental courses cross listed with ENVMT
Go to and click on Jobs to see our new blog MerrittGreenGang
Mayors of LA, SF, Oakland, and Fullerton visited the Environmental and Hort Programs to view first Solar Installer Workforce Training and Community College partnership.
Our water is back on. Temporary cell phone # is 510-213-3569- phones and internet still out.
Heather Ellison has moved on to a full time SF tree organization job; Megan Hess is continuing to ably assist the program. Usually Tue and Thur afternoons.
ENVMT meeting to be scheduled - what are the best times/days for you?
Fundraising workshop on March 6 Professional Development day 1:30 at SRH (check schedule to be sure)

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