Monday, March 22, 2010

West Oakland Stipend Postion Journalism

West Oakland Stipend Postion
Oakland Voices is designed to empower West Oakland residents with skills and tools to go into their neighborhoods and report on issues, people, and ideas they think are important. It will be based at the The West Oakland Public. Library's Community Media Access Center.

During the six month project, ten people will be trained as community correspondents. The Tribune's partners at the Maynard Institute for Journalism Education will provide instructors and media professionals to teach participants about the technical, ethical, and creative sides ofjournalism and reporting. Participants will then work as community reporters, writing stories, creating blog entries, and taking photographs that may get published on the project site and in the Tribune itself.

We invite any West Oakland resident 18 and older to apply. You do notneed a journalism background or any media experience to be accepted. Oakland Voices is seeking applicants from diverse backgrounds and life experiences.

The six month project itself begins with two weekends of training inmid-April. Many of our correspondents will have busy schedules, and the project is designed to work with those schedules.Our correspondents will meet 2-3 times each week evenings and weekends to discuss assignments, edit stories, and attend guest lectures.

We offer a stipend to the 10 correspondents.

Let me know that received this, and let's stay in touch.

Thanks so much for your interest & support.


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