Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Director of Sustainability

The Director of Sustainability is a part-time position reporting directly to the head of school.

The Director is responsible for successfully guiding Menlo’s efforts to become more respectful of the need to preserve the environment and more effective in becoming a more sustainable community.

To this end the Director will:
- Develop and publicize a mission station about Menlo’s commitment to sustainability and to reducing the consumption of resources;
- Heighten the school community’s sensitivity to environmental issues by making addresses to the student assembly and the MSA and MS-MSA, and by bringing to campus scientists, engineers and business leaders who are committed to sustainability;
- Initiate a comprehensive carpool program for students, parents and faculty and staff;
- Conduct and publicize an annual tabulation of the school’s consumption of resources and its production of greenhouse gases and use the results of this tabulation to set measurable targets for the next year;
- Develop specific changes in current practice designed to decrease the school’s use of resources and production of waste; and
- Develop specific units of study in each of the major disciplines that heighten our students’ awareness to environmental issues.
- Publicize the school’s sustainability efforts to residents in neighboring communities.

In achieving these goals the director will be supported by Menlo’s new Sustainability Committee. The director will serve as the chair of this committee which will consist of faculty members, the directors of both the Middle and Upper Schools, the dean of students, the director of operations, and student leaders.

Length of work year will be the school year plus two additional weeks in the summer.
Because of the part-time nature of this position, it does not qualify for Menlo School Group Benefits.

Please email a resume and cover letter to: Jhonig@Menloschool.org

Location of School:
Menlo School
50 Valparaiso Avenue
Atherton, CA 94027

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