Sunday, January 24, 2010

Leaving your water mark: Volunteer Wholly H2o water efficiency and reuse

Volunteers keep the water flowing at Wholly H2o. Thank You!
Current Wholly H2o Volunteer Opportunities:
•Writer (Must have background in water reuse systems or CA water issues)
•Volunteer Coordinator
•Grant Information Organizer (not grant writing)
Volunteer Benefits (minimum of 15 hours required to receive benefits)
•Listed on our volunteer page with photo, 2 sentence blurb, link to your email or website (all three supplied by you)
•Permission to put your volunteer experience on your resume
•If appropriate, your name and contact listed on the website on the page you’ve worked on/contributed to.
Volunteers Requirements
•15 hour minimum commitment (prefer 5 hrs/week for 3 week min).
•A keen interest in water efficiency and reuse
•Can make a solid commitment for a discreet period of time and not flake on that commitment.
•Great sense of humor and flexibility of spirit
Are you feeling like a super water volunteer today? YES!!! Then contact us to get to work!
Elizabeth Dougherty
Director, Wholly H2O

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